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Sharing the Gospel with the Wealthy, Worldly, and Well-Educated

Stay Connected




The Nicodemus Society is launching a podcast! It's called Moonlight as a reference to the encounter Nicodemus had with Jesus under the cover of night, and the fact that most of us are sharing the gospel with W3s as a second job within the workplace. If you would like to be notified when it's available please join our mailing list!




David and Cynthia regularly present and post their talks to AudioVerse. You can listen to David's testimony and 3-part GYC 2013 seminar on Witnessing to W3s using the following links below (presentation materials are also available). 

To see all sermons by David visit his AudioVerse page


Group Chat


Are you looking to connect with others that have a burden for sharing the gospel with W3s? Do you have questions you need answered? Are you encountering specific situations you're not sure how to handle? 

Join our Slack team and stay connected with other Nicodemus Society members. If you're not familiar with Slack, you can learn more here

This resource is intended for individuals that are already familiar with the principles taught by the Nicodemus Society, so if you haven't attended an event/seminar please use the links above to listen through David's teaching on AudioVerse before requesting  to join.  

